If you have a prophetic word for Indianapolis, that you would like to add to this section, send it to nbuening@wingsofheaven.org. Nancy and others will pray about the word to see if they receive confirmation that the Lord wants the word to appear on the website before adding them.
"Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7) "Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ." (Eph. 4:11-13) Since we have not yet reached unity in the faith and attained the whole measure of the fullness of Christ, there is still a need for prophets. "In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy." (Acts 2:17-18). The Bible instructs us, "Do not treat prophecies with contempt." (1 Thess. 5:20) Bible references are from the NIV version.
Prophetic word given to Nancy Buening: there will be a massive outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Indianapolis. Many will receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and many people will receive spiritual gifts. There will also be a major revival where many will be saved. The outpouring and revival will spread around the world. The strip clubs will close and many bars will be converted to restaurant space or coffee shops.
Prophetic word given to Stan Lovins II: there will be an explosion of an atomic bomb of love in Indianapolis. There will be ripple effects around the world.
Prophetic Words for Greater Indianapolis
This section contains prophetic words that pertain to Greater Indianapolis and Indiana. Knowing what the Lord speaks about our city and state can help us to get into alignment with what He is speaking. We can also pray into the prophetic words to help bring about their fulfillment.
Prophetic Word Given to Apostle Sallye Burton in Fall of 2002
Sallye Burton was the Southern IN area President for Aglow. She was the Strategic Prayer Coordinator for Indiana which was part of the US Strategic Prayer Network later known as the IN Apostolic Prayer Network. She taught Highschool and Sunday School. She was the mother of 5 sons and many spiritual children. She has since gone on to be with the Lord.
Vision: As I was driving into Indianapolis on I-70 East, I had an open vision. The Capitol building in Washington, D.C. was picked up and set down in the middle of our capitol city, Indianapolis. The Lord spoke to me and said, “This isn’t a natural governing building, it is a spiritual governing building, but I wanted you to see the importance and the power that I was setting down.” Next, I saw lines like ribbons going from the top of the building in all different directions. They went up and then curved down to the ground in many different locations. Where they landed, there were big golden stars. The Lord said, “These stars represent 24/7 Houses of Prayer that I will raise up.” Then He said, “I want a CANOPY of prayer over the state of Indiana.”
Excerpts of Prophecy Given to Bob Jones in 2005 for Indianapolis
Bob Jones was a nationally known prophet who has gone on to be with the Lord. His prophesies spanned over four decades. The Lord enabled him to foretell earthquakes, tidal waves, comets, and weather patterns. Bob often told leaders their dreams and experiences, as well as the dream interpretations. After his death experience in 1975, God sent him back to minister to church leaders and reach the multitudes with His love and truth and equip the saints with the spiritual gifts. Bob moved with a clear revelatory gifting, accompanied by gifts of healing and miracles.
Excerpts of the prophetic word:
Transcript of Gulliver Prophecy Given to Bob Jones on July 15, 2005
While in a conference in Cincinnati, Ohio, Bob Jones was given a vision of a great man, who in the past had fallen asleep. He was lying on his back, half-covered in dirt, and his name was Gulliver. Little people from a place of little input had completely tied him down, and he was waking up from being asleep for the past 38 years. We can also call him (Gulliver) the Body of Christ. Bob saw that the head of this very large man was in Cleveland, Ohio in a place called "Jacob's field."
The next thing Bob saw was a large, center pole of a tent coming up out of Columbus, Ohio. This was His heart. Powerful signs and wonders will come up out of Columbus, greater than we've ever seen before, that will look like a canopy over the region. Explosions of miracles and healings will be the hallmark of this city.
Cincinnati was the place where the reproduction organs were. Reproducing of the Kingdom will be evidenced here in priestly and kingly anointing.
The left hand of this large man was in Philadelphia, which had teaching and great love in it. The right hand extended west and came to rest in Indianapolis, Indiana. It began to flex, and the cords that were around it to keep it tied down, were beginning to snap off like rubber bands.
The left foot was in Charlotte, North Carolina, and there was a great television with it, so they televised the gospel all around the world. The right foot was in Nashville, Tennessee, where great faith is beginning to rise up.
This great man finally began to get up, breaking off all restraints and planting both of his feet in Atlanta, Georgia.
Bob said, “God means to take Ohio, then move over to Indianapolis and up into Illinois, crossing over into the east and finally standing completely upright in Atlanta.” The Lord told Bob that to take Atlanta would mean capturing the whole south.
Prophetic Words that Bob Jones shared in 2009 with Eric Poland
Bob said the Lord showed him several years ago several powerful waves of the spirit that would affect Indianapolis and spread out to other parts of the country and then even to other parts of the world. He said that Indianapolis is one of the cities that the Lord showed him will play an important role in God's end time move of His Spirit and world revival. He also said that there were some rich wells of anointing that go back over the past 100+ years in Indy’s past history that the Lord is reopening.
Five years ago, Bob had a vision where he saw the city of Indianapolis. Surrounding the city to even 35 miles away he saw churches begin to come together in unity - small dots of fire that fused into one big fire. As these churches began to love one another, walk in forgiveness toward one another, and serve and support each other, the power of God would be released in an incredibly powerful way and would spread out to other parts of the world. He said the key to this move was LOVE and UNITY....LOVING One Another is KEY!
Bob said Indy has been in a season of plowing which at times has seemed hard. There has been some "hard soil" in hearts that needed to be broken up and softened. However, we are moving into a season of sowing. Sow the word of the Lord and love in our actions. Allow our prayer become "Lord help us to serve, forgive, honor, encourage, and LOVE one another ". Then we will move into a season of power and spiritual authority......out of this we will see an incredible revival.
Prophetic Word Given to Bonnie Jones in Indianapolis on November 11, 2017
Bonnie Jones speaks the word in Spirit and truth through love delivering a much needed message for the current times. She continues to expand on her late husband, Bob Jones, message “Did you learn to love?” as she reveals the heart of the Father for the harvest. Bonnie has written several books including several Shepherd’s Rods, Fruit of the Spirit, Poetry from the Heart, The Power of the Spoken Word and Did You Learn to Love. She has a son, a daughter and 7 grandchildren.
Prophetic Word:
There will be shockwaves across the pond as I send My Spirit to awaken the sleeping giant. No longer shall she sleep. There will be no reason or excuses. She will be in Revival of Revival for all times. Amen.
Bonne: “Lord what are you saying for the people here in Indianapolis? Their hearts are set on revival and old wells, promises of the past to be fulfilled. In Jesus name. Amen.”
Tell them this Bonnie.
I am the Keeper of the Keys and today I give them the key to open the heart of the sleeping giant.
They have never left the gate of the city closed. They – in their heart – have kept the spark of revival alive to inspire themselves and others.
Bob (Bonnie’s husband) said there were old wells that would be reopened, unplugged and released. The geyser is about to blow her top. There is an East gate and a West gate in this great city of Hope. Today you are going to experience the cross breeding of the nation erupt in this motor city.
Fast shoes, fast pace – fast, fast, fast. That is the key.
So, I say to my children – open the wells of revival through prayer and fasting, kingdom principles and love.
Love is the key that unplugs and unstops hearts and uncaps wells.
You see Bonnie – for centuries man has tried to preach and prophesy and make something happen that can only happen through true love generated through passion for Me. I am the Way to all things.
Now you go this day in Peace and give My love to My children.
I’m about to do a new thing they’ve never even asked for nor thought about. They have held on to promises of the past but what I’m about to do is so much greater and extraordinary their mind couldn’t grasp it. So, stand back and watch what I do. In their innocence and faithfulness, I applaud them and release abundant revelation, mercy, and glory with shouts of praise. Amen.
Let not your heart be burdened for them Bonnie. You are hearing me correctly. Grant them favor from the King. Extend mercy and loving kindness in My name. Amen.
Three keys
Open the wells of revival through prayer and fasting, kingdom principles and love.
Love is the key that unplugs and unstops hearts and uncaps wells.
Prophetic Word Given to Maxine Gilliam on Jan. 22, 2011
Biography for Maxine: In 1995, the Holy Spirit said that I was an Intercessor and 3 months later, He called me a warfare intercessor. On my job, although I had much pushback from my employer, the Lord allowed me to head up a prayer team and start a bible study group in the workplace while I continued to do God ordained ministry in my church. In 2005, the Holy Spirit led me to join a prayer team to go to Washington DC to pray. At the time our team only thought that this was a one-time prayer assignment. Little did I know that God had planned something totally different for me. (My Regularly Scheduled Program was temporarily interrupted.) Since that time our team has traveled to over 28 states, over 13 Indiana counties, and one foreign country to fast and pray. The Lord has also given me words of prophecy through the years. The Lord has, in addition, led me to evangelize and pray for people on the streets. For these gifts, I am forever humbled.
For Indianapolis, to the body of Christ.
The Spirit of the Lord said, “I’ve told you before and I’m telling you now: this city is a city of refuge as I have declared it to be. You, My people, must contend (fight, wrestle) for it. This is a spiritual battle that you must be fully equipped to fight. I will need all of My watchmen and warriors for this battle. I need you to stay focused and take your position. Read Nehemiah; it’s there for you. All of you are important and significant. I will need you to pull together your gifts and your abilities to get this job done.
Can you lay aside your own agendas? Yes, yes you will! I love all of you and you love me. My Word is the key for unity. I need you to be unified to take the enemy down and win the victory. I have sent you to this city; I have gathered you here for such a time as this. Don’t be fooled about your importance; without me you are nothing. Is a servant greater than his master? No! So it is that none of you are greater than the other; for all must come under My authority. Now gird up yourselves; walk together in love; use all of the weapons of your warfare and get the job done. This is a city of refuge!
Prophetic Word Given to Deborah Roberts in ~2017
Deborah was the President of Aglow Indy North which has fellowship and Christian speakers who inspire and equip women in Indianapolis. She also frequently holds Christian teaching sessions in her home. She loves to evangelize and pray for people at church, in the streets or wherever the Lord takes her. Deborah met her husband, Steve, in a pub when she was 28 and went to share the gospel. She ended up leading him to the Lord and she found a husband that night too plus two sons, Adam In Indianapolis and Kevin in Colorado.
Prophetic Word: Small fires will start through Indianapolis and beyond and they will become one big fire as the Spirit of the Lord moves and from here, they will spread north, south, east and west.
Prophetic Word Given to Clay Orander in the Spring of 2018
Clay Orander is a husband to Bailey, father to Millie Kate, and Pastor at the Vineyard Church in Greenwood, Indiana. He's overly obsessed with anything related to Pacers basketball and loves to make jokes at the worst times. Clay lives to see Jesus exalted and centralized in worship and see people step into their royal identities in Christ.
Prophetic Word: I heard the Lord say that Indianapolis was going to be known for unity; that people are going to travel from other cities to learn and study how churches and ministries in Indy are living out interdependence. But this promise came with a challenge. He said "Fight for it."
I can't remember if this was at the same time or not, but part two of what He told me about Indy came in a picture. I saw a shrouded man standing on a hill overlooking the city. He had a crown on his dead but he looked cold and possibly dead. His main qualities were:
-Powerless (Even though he was wearing a crown)
I then heard the Lord say, "Restore their perception of me." I immediately realized that this picture is how the city of Indianapolis sees Jesus. He is seen as distant, uncaring, powerless, not applicable or active in our daily lives, and ultimately unknowable.
Out of both of these, I've heard the Lord say that He is unifying Indianapolis through seeing Jesus rightly. We are unified as we behold Him. He is not weak. He is not powerless. He is not dead. He is not distant. He's alive, burning with passion and desire for His people. He is intimately involved in every detail of our lives and longing for us as His people to look like Family.
Lastly, the Lord said, "Right now, Indianapolis is known as "Naptown" but it's going to come awake. It's always supposed to have been known as Revival Town."
Prophetic Word Given to a Visiting Prophetic Voice in 2010
Prophetic Word Given to Cindy Tiefel on November 11, 2017
Cindy frequently holds Christian teaching sessions in her home and mentors several women. She ministers to people often helping them to receive healing and deliverance. She has served in children's ministry, prison ministry, and healing rooms and does prophetic art - creations that are led by the Holy Spirit. Cindy is married and has 2 grown sons and 2 grandchildren. Cindy and her husband, Jim, currently live in the Indianapolis area with their dog Rudy, and cat, Copper. They both were born and raised in Indianapolis.
Prophetic Word: I had a vision when I was attending a conference in Indianapolis. I was hearing the word of the Lord for our area. I saw a golden field and a red barn which represent the Great Harvest which is to come. Actually, it is already here. But there is a greater glory that has never been seen before. There will be a fire of God that will come and burn off everything not of Him, if you will allow that. Then we will go out and harvest souls for Jesus in love. We are to do that now, but there is a greater glory coming with no ebb, meaning no end.
The Lord gave me two important instructions regarding the Great Harvest. One is to be completely led by the Holy Spirit. Don’t use a formula for this. Each one of His precious children are so different and delicate. It’s important that we listen to Him regarding their salvation. We may only have a few minutes with them, so it is important to show them God’s love.
The other important instruction was that, no matter what we get from people whether it’s glory or offense, give it all to God. We must not keep it for ourselves. All the glory and honor belong to Jesus. Offense is, but not limited to, unforgiveness, bitterness and resentment. It will keep you from all that God has for you. Get rid of it or it will hurt you and others.
Prophetic Word Given to Frank Hummel for Central Indiana on 4/27/20
Frank and his wife, Marilyn, have been married for 30 years and have a daughter and two grandchildren. Frank and Marilyn opened a recruiting agency 10 years ago and will soon launch a prophetic business counseling venture. Frank received training in the prophetic from Christian International. He regularly meets with a group of prophetic intercessors to hear and pray what God is saying for the region and the nation. Frank ministers with Courtside Ministries and is a SOZO team member. He is active in prophetic business counseling, and intercedes for local businesses and pastors. Frank developed and led a prophetic team at a local church and was also a member on a Healing Rooms team. Frank and Marilyn led a home group for several years and also hosted prayer meetings. Go to empoweringwords.org or Empowering Words on Facebook to see additional prophetic words Frank has received.
Prophetic Word: You are entering into a time when many will come to know Me as their Lord and Savior.
The enemy has unleashed many things to try and hide what is happening in the Kingdom of God. Many people are so focused on the distractions they can’t hear what I am saying or see what I am doing. Be careful what you focus on outside of God because you can make it bigger than it actually is. The Kingdom of God is not about eating and drinking, but about righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
It is time for the Ecclesia to do what I have called them to do, to bring forth unity among believers and begin to gather and shape those that love Me. I am calling forth leaders to rise up in boldness and begin to declare and decree what I have put within them. I am raising up a new breed of revivalists that have a great passion for the lost and hurting, the drug addicts, the homeless, even those with mental issues. They will move in great power and miracles will be their portion. It will be Power Evangelism 2.0. The time to release these things is now. There is much that is happening if you have eyes to see. People are going out into the streets and the marketplace and sharing the love of Jesus wherever they go. I am raising up revivalists who will evangelize the lost and they will do this with great boldness and the captives will be set free. You will hear of salvations and miracles that are taking place and people will be compelled to come into the Kingdom of God. Many of these things will be outside of the walls of the church building. Believers will drive around in cars and Holy Spirit will take them to neighborhoods that are ripe for the gospel and they will proclaim the good news and many will come to know Me.
The way church has been done for such a long time is changing; it will become more organic. Many meeting places will not look like the traditional church has looked. It will be in warehouses, homes, back yards, porches, parks, inside manufacturing plants, wherever you are. Large groups of people will begin to come together for regional meetings. I have been preparing central Indiana, and beyond, for a move that she has not seen before and it will not appear like past moves of God.
Worship will be an important part of this outpouring. It will be compelling, organic, and spontaneous bringing you into the atmosphere of heaven. This is a new sound for a new season that will cause the angels to gather around you. The Shekinah Glory will come upon you and all will bask in the presence of God. People will ascend into the heavens and experience many new things they have not seen or experienced before. The Shalom of God will come upon you and many will be transformed by the love of Yeshua.
You can see additional prophetic words that Frank Hummel has received on his Facebook page called Empowering Words. (Go to https://www.facebook.com/ps27v4/.)
Prophetic Word Given to Frank Hummel on Sep 12, 2018 for Indianapolis and Beyond
Prepare for the unprecedented number of people who will be coming into the Kingdom of God. The signs and wonders they see will convince them they must get saved. The greatest time of salvation, miracles, healings, signs and wonders approaches. Churches will be filled to capacity to the point where they will have to move to larger venues, even stadiums, convention centers, large warehouses. Unknown people will rise up who are filled with the spirit and power of God to lead many of these events. Many will happen with little planning but all will be well. People will see and understand that what they are experiencing is of God and that it has nothing to do with man. Masses of people will come into the Kingdom of God and many will immediately begin to evangelize their communities. Life as you know it will radically change. Many ungodly business ventures will simply dry up, no longer to be seen. This will be a solemn move of God. People will be instantly set free from drugs, alcohol, pornography, all that has held them captive. Many in the sex slave industry will fall on their faces and cry out for mercy because conviction will be so great. Large amounts of money will be given to advance the gospel. America will be transformed by the power of Holy Spirit.
Several years ago in a vision I saw myself looking down into a local (greater Indianapolis area) church. I could see outside the double front glass doors of the church. All I could see was people rushing towards the church and trying to get inside; it was like people were almost getting crushed trying to get through the front doors; it was very chaotic; it reminded me of a mob. I could sense the conviction and fear the people were feeling. The fear was so great and they were desperate to get into the church. They didn’t know what they needed but they knew they would find it inside the church building. I remember thinking this small church could not possibly handle all of the people. My thought was wherever there is a church building this was happening. The great revivals of the past such as Wales will be pale in comparison to this. Nations will be changed in a day from goat to sheep nations. To those that do not know God the air will be heavy with conviction.
Many people in their teens and early 20’s will become radically saved and will go on a quest to evangelize the world. With little money and no plan but to hear from God they will go to wherever God tells them to go. This is radical salvation, almost total disregard for self. Some will be martyrs who will joyfully give up their life so that others may come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Many of the older generation will not understand what they are doing or how they plan to do it. God will give some of these people wisdom to help this younger radically saved generation on their quest.
Video of Bonnie Jones Weekend of May 21, 2021